Friday, 26 April 2019

I'm very much happier

The past few months can be hard for you guys. Prolly due to a bad break up, lose a friend etc. It's okay, don't worry. Cause all this happened for a reason. Take it like a lesson learnt for yall, like what you can improve in yourself or plainly.. They're just toxic to be in your life to start with. Why bother and make yourself feel all shitty when you didn't do any grave mistakes. All you did was trying to understand them but yet, you've been left all alone in a dark hole pondering about what they're up to. People lied cause they don't wanna lose you and they wanna have other attentions from other people. In short, they love attention. If you can't give him/her the support that they wanted, they will eventually go hunt for other girls/guys for the support from them. Why bother be with them if they think you wont support him/her for what they wanna do? It's pretty obvious that they already found another source that supported him/her to the extend he/she doesnt care if you wanna stay by their side. Don't be dumb, just leave. And of course, once you leave a toxic relationship which filled with lies or friendship which filled with unwanted remarks, you sure be happy as hell! Like you'll be able to be happy and don't care about unnecessary people in your life. Also, what they do doesn't bother you anymore cause they'll be gone from your life and your mind. They are whom you can call toxic. Toxic people shall flock together with toxic people. Cause they will be happy eventually due to their lies to one another and how dramatic they will be. I'm not asking yall to hope for the worst for them, but to wish them all the best with whatever they do. Hope they don't fall into a big hole while avoiding a small hole. What you can do now is be happy cause if someone who really loves you(be it as a friend), they will make you happy or rather their presence itself can make you happy. 

"You don't know how happy I am. I'm very happy."


  1. Hi Mariam … I found your blog when searching for driving license.
    Then I ended up reading random posts of your blog.
    Since you're single now, can I get to know you?
    Email me at tampguy [ at ] if you sudi.

    1. thanks for reading my blog posts.

    2. tk sudi ke? contact me leh. i'm chasing after u

    3. haha! you don't even know me, how can you be chasing aft me. you funny bro.

    4. Neither do the guy whom you're chasing know you.
      I've read your blog and I feel like I know you. So, we should give it a shot. The world works in mysterious ways.

    5. ooo you sounded like one scammer sia. haha!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. tgk lah. I lupa nak click reply sampai I posted new thread. lol

  2. apa plak scammer ni. I ikhlas la. apa salahnya kalau u email me jadi kita boleh berbual privately.

    1. you apa era seh email? HAHHAHAHA

    2. ler.. beh u pun salah era per. zaman skarang org tk main blogging. org twittering atau instagramming je. bluek.

      tapi i pun tkde tu semua.

      u email i la jadi i kasi my telegram. tkkan nak publish kat sini.. privacy kena jaga.

    3. sorry i dont email to unknown ah.

    4. it's ok. you're ugly anyway.
